
Another mystery! Goddess of war.
Unforunately there is a huge lack of information and pics. She is
depicted in armor carrying bows and
It is said that she is a
very ancient goddess. Some say that she was a
consort of Anhur, however when doing
research on him, she is not mentioned.

It is said the she is a very ancient goddess.
first appears in the beginning of the Eighteenth dynasty along with other
deities who worshiped by northwest Semitic people.
Astarte was actually a warrior goddess of Canaan and Syria who is a Western
Semitic counterpart of the Akkadian Ishtar worshiped in Mesopotamia. She was
worshiped especially in her aspect of a warrior goddess, often paired with the
goddess Anat. Like Anat, she is the daughter of Re
and the wife of the god Set. In the battle between Horus and Set, these two
goddesses appear as daughters of Re and are given in marriage to the god Set, here identified with the
Semitic name Hadad. Astarte also was
identified with the lioness warrior goddess
Sekhmet, but often merged, at least in part, with Isis. We see many images found of Astarte suckling a small
There is a statue from the 6th century BC in the
Cairo Museum, which normally would be taken
as portraying Isis with her child
Horus on her knee and which in every detail
follows normal Egyptian conventions, but
the inscription reads: "Gersaphon, son of
Azor, son of Slrt, man of Lydda, for his Lady, for Astarte. Some say that she had a relationship
with the god of the sea. From badly
fragmentary papyrus it gives the legend of Astarte and the the sea god Yamm, who
demanded tribute from the gods,
particularly Renenutet. Her place is then
taken by Astarte called, in this aspect, "daughter of Ptah". The story is lost from that point on
but one assumes this liaison resulted in
the goddess tempering the arrogance of
She is associated with horses and chariots. On
the stele set up near the sphinx by
Amenhotep II celebrating his prowess,
Astarte is described as delighting in the impressive equestrian skill of the monarch when he was still only
crown prince. In her aggression can be seen
in the bull horns she sometimes wears as a
symbol of domination.
Astarte was connected with fertility, sexuality,
and war. Her symbols were the lion, the
horse, the sphinx, the dove, and a star
within a circle indicating the planet Venus.
Depictions often show her naked. Astarte was accepted by the Greeks under the name of
Aphrodite. The island of Cyprus, one of
Astarte's greatest faith centers, supplied
the name Cypris as Aphrodite's most common byname. Other major centers of Astarte's worship were Sidon,
Tyre, and Byblos. Coins from Sidon portray
a chariot in which a globe appears,
presumably a stone representing Astarte. In
Sidon, she shared a temple with Eshmun. At Beirut coins show Poseidon, Astarte, and Eshmun worshipped

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from Wendy's

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