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Buto from Nefertari's tomb


Wadjet, Wadjyt, Wadjit, Uto, Uatchet, Edjo, Bouto




I'm going ga-ga over some of these goddesses. Here is another goddess, one that has a lot of confusion and contradictions surrounding her. I always thought she was a distinct goddess from Wadjet. I was wrong. There are even a few scholars who seem to believe that she is also Meret-Seger of which so far I don't believe.

In ancient Egypt her many titles were "She who is Green","Eye of Ra", "The green One/the Papyrus coloured One", "Godess of Lower Egypt", "She Of The Fiery Eye", "Protector Of Horus"and "Orderer Of Flame".


Buto,Thoth, Isis, Horus,Amun and Nekhebet

Buto was depicted as woman with a snake, wearing the uraeus or the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. She was shown carrying a papyrus stem around which was coiled a cobra. Sometimes she was shown as just a cobra coiled in a basket and wearing the crown of Lower Egypt. In the pic above she is depicted in human form along with Thoth, Isis in the middle, nursing Horus, Amun and Nekhebet on the right.

I have learned from my research that the name "Buto" was originally two neibouring cities, Pe and Dep. Dep being the ctiy where Wadjet was worshiped. These two cities merged into one mega city around the middle of the 4000 BC. They named the city after it's local goddess Wadjet, calling it; Per-Wadjet/Per-Uadjit. Then around 3100 BC, Egypt is united as one Kingdom. Apparently around this time the city of Per-Wadjet falls into some sort of decline, but was still considered the capital of Lower Egypt. Then with the Persian conquest of Egypt by Cambyses in 525 BC, ending the Saite era, Herodotus tells us that Per-Wadjet regainedher glory during Egypt's Persian period in which it was a famous religious center for the oracles. Then coming under Greek control during 4th century BC, Per-Wadjet is renamed Buto. And then in 1888 Flinders Petrie identifies the city of Buto.Thus, Wadjet, the cobra goddess is often referred to in Greek as Buto. Buto is also the name of the swamp where Isis hid the coffin containing the body of Osiris protecting him from Set. It is said that this is where Buto assisted Isis in hiding the infant Horus.




Buto as lioness

Excerpted from Hearst the Collector. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; New York: Abrams, 2008 This elegant striding bronze figure represents the goddess Wadjet, protector of the king and tutelary deity of Lower Egypt. One of several ancient Egyptian goddesses depicted with the head of a lioness, Wadjet is identified in this example by the dedicatory inscription on the rectangular base. While numerous Late Period Egyptian bronzes are preserved in Egypt and in collections worldwide, this example is particularly fine. The narrow-waisted human figure is treated in an exceptionally refined and supple manner, with the contours of the breasts, abdomen, and thighs visible beneath the thin garment. Incised details such as the patterning of the lion’s mane, broad collar, armbands, and bracelets are carefully rendered. The sun disk and uraeus headdress are intact, while the handheld attributes, probably an ankh and papyrus scepter, are now lost. It is possible that Hearst was attracted to this lioness image, as a full statue and three fragments of a similar deity are incorporated into an outdoor fountain that remains in situ at San Simeon. Nancy Thomas, (2008)










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