After this
Adam called his wife's name Eve,
because she
had to become the mother
of everyone

Eve...all of us women have inherited the traits
passed on from this one woman,her guilt, innocence, deception, cunning
and mischievousness. She was the last of
God's earthly creations. Born from the rib
of man and came to be Mother of all
I personally feel she was given a raw deal, but
I'm not God.The Biblical accounts say that before God made Eve,
there were already in existence
"various beasts of the earth and
flying creatures"Not to mention the Garden of
So apparently it was Adam's job to find proper
names (Genesis 2:19 & 20)for other life forms around him. In doing so, he
noticed he had no "mate" or "helper" amongst all that was surrounding him in
this garden paradise. God noticing his servant's dismay puts
him into a deep sleep.
(Geneisis 2:21 -23)
When he is awaken he has, Eve. Now I can
only imagine how beautiful she must have been, her being God's last earthly
creation,perfect in every way. Excellently suited to being a compliment
to her husband and to the
forthcoming of children.

But in like most stories, tragedy strikes. In
this garden paradise there are two trees of which Adam knew were forbidden.
Notice the account in Genesis 2:16 & 17 it states;..."God laid this command
upon the man"...notice that Eve
is not mentioned here, to me it is apparent that she was nonexistent at this
point in time, and that God spoke directly to Adam.
Through Biblical chronology it is assumed that
Adam was on earth quite some time before Eve came into his life, therefore Adam
would have been her teacher and would have warned her that these particular tree's were
One day while Eve was out and about by herself
and is close to the tree of "knowledge of good and bad", it is said that a snake
spoke to Eve.(Genesis 3:1) It comes to mind that Eve being fairly new to these
premises,would not have known that snakes could not speak and she proceeded to
carry on a conversation with the snake. "...is it really so that God said you
must not eat from every tree of the garden?" Eve goes on to tell the snake"...as
for eating of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden,God has
said, You must not eat from it, no, you must not touch it that you do not die.
For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to
be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad."

Well we all
know what happens next. The account goes on to say that she "entices" or
"seduces" Adam to partake of the fruit, and he knows full well the consequences of
his actions and turns around to blame God; "The woman whom you gave to be with

Eve's punishment? The account goes on to say;"I
shall greatly increase the pain of your pregnancy; in birth pangs you will bring
forth children, and your craving will be for your husband, and he
dominate you." I, as a woman often think of
the atrocities brought against us in the past and our
present times, we have been called according to some as the "root of all
I will end this chapter on Eve with leaving you
with a thought or two to ponder over.
In the first book of Tomothy 2:13&14
states"For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Also, Adam was not deceived, but the woman was thoroughly deceived..."
Do you think Eve was innocent?
Did her punishment fit the
According to this account , God
never promised immortality, but with thisact of disobedience, is this when we
became mortal?
What of the other tree? "The Tree
of Life", Genesis 3:24 tells of God posting
cherubs to guard this tree after Adam and Eve were cut off from the
The questions could go on
forever! I would love to hear your opinions or
statements, whether you believe
or not, post them on the message board!
from Breanna

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