
is of uknown artist

This amulet of ancient times is said to hold
great magical powers. It has been mistakenly called the "evil eye" . It also has
been called the Eye of Ra. It holds many legends and secrets. A symbolic sign
for protection. It tells a tale of a great battle between the gods, Osiris, Seth
and Horus.
The legend goes;
and keep in mind that I have
paraphrased it to my way of writing as there are several accounts, I have
combined the stories together.
Osiris, the great grandson of the mighty god Ra
and his beautiful consort, Isis, the first to rule over the living world as
Pharaoh and Queen. The ways of Osiris were just and peaceful making sure
everything was kept in balance through Ma'at as she lovingly smiled upon all.
The people praised Osiris and Isis for many, many moons. And peace was in
However, disorder and conflict was
Swollen with pride and conceit was the brother
of Osiris, Seth. He who had battled with the Apep the
Destroyer was disconcerted and disturbed. He desired and envied everything his
brother Osiris had, Isis, the throne, the supremacy over the living world. In
his evil, sinister mind he devises a stratagem to rid himself of his brother and
take it all for himself. He builds a box and carves an evil spell on it that would shackle
anyone who crossed the threshold, never able to flee from it's

Set takes the box to the Great Feast of the gods.
He patiently waits for Osiris to become completely intoxicated, then entices him to
a game of strength. Each one would enter this box and pull a Houdini, not by
magic, by brute force. Osiris, confident in his supremacy enters the box. Set
swiftly makes his move and pours molten lead into the box. Osiris tries in vain
to escape. The sinister spell constrains him where he dies. Set then takes the
box and throws it into the Nile where it drifts away.
Set quickly claims the throne of Osiris and
commands that Isis becomes his queen. So distraught are the other gods that no
one confronts Set fearing the same fate awaits them as their beloved Osiris.
Bereaved and pining the Great Ra does not provoke Set in any manner.
The sands of time seemed seemed bleak and dismal.
A great war was on the horizon that would separate Egypt. The balance Ma'at no
longer existed for pandemonium and corruption was abundant. Despondent and
inconsolable was Ra that he did not hear the desperate cries of his beloved

Isis, faithful, true and undaunted by Set she
sets forth in search of her Osiris. She scours the Nile from one end to the
other till she finally comes to a graceful, mighty tree, with long feather like
branches with clusters of tiny leaves and skewers of beautiful pink blossoms.
Embedded at the roots of this tree is the box that she has been looking for all
this time. She feels the power of Osiris within for lives on even in death. As
she starts to break up the box she moans and bewails the deceased body. She
takes the box back to to the temple of the gods in Egypt. In a breath she
transforms herself into a song bird and flies around his body signing ballads of
mourning. Descending herself on to him, she bestows an incantation unto him. The
very essence of Osiris enters her and she conceives. Knowing that she will bear
a son whose journey will be to free Egypt and to reciprocate his father she
calls him Horus. She takes the young Horus and relocates to an Island beyond the
reach of Set.

is of uknown artist and is widely available online

Once Horus was safe, Isis seeks out to find
Thoth, the wisest of all the Egyptian gods. He was the god of the moon, magic
and writing. For Thoth knew all and saw all. She appeals to him for an
incantation that could resurrect her husband, Osiris from the dead. Thoth
through himself was brought into existence by whispering his own name through
his own incantations. To help with Isis' plight, Thoth gives her no guarantee's.
Thoth knows that Osiris' akh is lost. He needs to be re born in order for his
akh to acknowledge him. Together, Isis and Thoth conjure up the Ritual of Life.
Disturbingly enough, before the incantation was finished Set finds them. He
violently steals the body and dismembers the body and scatters the pieces
through out Egypt.

Frantic, Isis does not give up. She appeals to
her sister Nephthys, Mistress of the House and wife of Set, for help in guiding
her to find the strewn pieces of Osiris. Loyal to her sister Isis, they set out
for the long journey. As days turn into weeks and weeks into months and months
into years, they bring each piece they find to Thoth. Once all the pieces were
found, Thoth brings the body parts to Anubis, the jackal headed god of the dead,
where he sews Osiris' body members back in place. He washes Osiris' entrails,
then embalms the body, wraps him up in linen and finally casts the spell of the
Ritual of Life. As Osiris' mouth opens, his akh re enters and Osiris lives once

CG 38424 Cairo Antiquity MuseumCG 38424 Cairo Antiquity
Museum Material: Gneiss with Headdress of Electrum and Gold Size: Height: 29.5
cm; Width: 18 cm; Depth 55.5 cm Location: Horbeit Period: 26th Dynasty (664-525
BC) In this statue, Osiris, a primary god of the netherworld particularly after
the New Kingdom, resurrects, or awakens himself from death. His figure is that
of a mummy and this process was closely associated with the rebirth of the sun
each day.

provides the sperm that will make Isis pregnant

It is written that one who dies, even a god may
not reside in the land of the living. Anubis takes Osiris to Duat, the sacred
under world of the dead. Once there, Anubis relinquishes his throne to Osiris,
now he is the god of the underworld where he assesses the souls of the dead in
judgment. He sanctions the faithful and good. The evil he sentences to Ammit,
the demon goddess who sits beneath the throne of Osiris and the scales of
justice, she is ready to devour and annihilate the souls of the

Set, upon hearing of Orisris' resurrection is
infuriated and outraged. He assumed that he would rule over all the gods for
eternity. But his anger diminished as he knew that Osiris could not cross over
to the land of the living. Yet Set knows that the son of Isis and Osiris is a
threat that had to be dealt with. As Horus continues to grow into manhood, Set
sends many demons and serpents to kill him. He obliterates them all. The day
finally comes when Horus is ready to go up against Set, alone. Isis bestows upon
him great magic and Thoth bestows a great magic sword.
A great battle ensues. Horus confronts and
provokes Seth into a challenge of supremacy. The war goes on for several years,
some say the battle lasted for eighty years, as the two of them bludgeon each
other mercilessly. Set then executes with a passion of fury a severe hit to
Horus' left eye and tears it out and crushes it into pieces! Despite his injury,
Horus composes himself, and regains his strength to inflict one last blow, he
picks up his sword of magic and with a quick powerful stroke he castrates Set.
Alas, Set lies there defeated in battle, Horus does not want more bloodshed and
allows him to live.
After Horus won the battle, the God Thoth found
the pieces of the eye and reassembled them with his magic and gave it back to
Horus. However, he had already been healed and given a new eye by his mother
Isis, a powerful healer. Horus gave the Eye as a gift to his murdered father
As all the gods gather, they start fighting
amongst themselves of who is the rightful heir to the almighty throne. Set still
affirmed his right to supremacy as Horus declared himself the rightful ruler as
the son of Osiris. The gods were divided between the two of them. Banebdjetet,
the Ram headed god of lower Egypt, who is frustrated with the chaos, bolts in
the conversation and demands that they carry on amicably before they completely
disrupt the harmony of Ma'at, goddess of infallibility and universal

He advises them to beseech the guidance of Neith
the goddess of war and impartiality to arbitrate between two sides. When she
arrives, she is distressed over the turbulent atmosphere. She listens wisely, as
both sides tell her their side of the controversy. After pondering carefully,
she declares that Horus is the legitimate heir to the throne. Horus' first act
of sovereignty is banishing Set into darkness for all

As we all know the "Eye" is the most recognised symbol of all times. We see it everywhere. In ancient Egypt it was
commonly used as an amulet and was wrapped up with mummies. As a funeral amulet,
it was used as protection against evil in the underworld. The Book of the Dead
instructs that funerary eye amulets be made out of lapis lazuli or a stone
called mak; some were gold-plated. Both eyes were used on the out side of the
sarcophagus or coffin to allow the deceased to see from beyond his or her

of Sepi JE 32868 (CG 28083) Cairo Antiquities Museum Material: Painted Wood
Size: Height: 70 cm; Width: 65 cm; Length: 233 cm Location: Deir el-Bersha, Tomb
of Sepi III Excavation: Egyptian Antiquity Service Excavations of 1897 Period:
12th Dynasty, (1991-1783 BC)

with Pectoral Wedjat Eye
61901 Cairo Antiquities Museum
Material: Gold, Lapis
Lazuli, Turquoise, Faience, Glass Paste
Size: (Pendant) 5.7
Location: Valley of the
Kings, Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV 62)
Bound into the bandages wrapping
the mummy of Tutankhamun, Howard Carter believed that this pectoral was a piece
of jewelry that the king would have worn while still living. Though very
beautiful, its function was primarily protective.

The "eye" has been transformed down to our
timeline as the All Seeing Eye or the Eye of Providence, usually depicted in the
sky looking out upon the earth, it is an ancient symbol of the sun, and
historically has been used as a symbol of omniscience. The idea of the solar eye
comes to us from the Ancient Egyptians, who equated the eye with the deity Horus
and Osiris and the great battle against Set. The human eye in its ability to
perceive light was viewed as a miniature sun. In Chinese philosophy, yin and
yang represent the two primal cosmic forces in the universe. Yin (moon) is the
receptive, passive, cold female force. Yang (sun) is masculine- force, movement,
heat. The Yin Yang symbol represents the idealised balance of the forces;
equilibrium in the universe.

Pic from
unknown artist
Regardless, Horus became known as "Horus who
rules with two eyes" His right eye was white representing the sun while his left
eye was black representing the moon.
Horus was also an ancient Egyptian sky god in the
form of a falcon. The right eye represents a peregrine falcon's eye and the
markings around it, including the "teardrop" marking sometimes found below the
eye. As the wadjet (also udjat or utchat), it also represented the sun, and was
associated with his mother Isis, The left eye, sometimes represented the moon
and the god Thoth.
Confused yet?
As an amulet the Eye of Horus has three versions:
a left eye, a right eye, and two eyes. The eye is constructed in fractional
parts, with 1/64 missing, a piece that Thoth added with magic. The Eye of Horus
is depicted as a human eye embellished with a typical Egyptian cosmetic
extension and subtended by the markings of a falcon's cheek. The symbol of
modern pharmacies and prescriptions, Rx, is derived from the three pieces of the
Eye of Horus.
1/2 was represented by smell, symbolized by the right side of the eye
in a form of the nose. The pyramid text says: "Behold [the fire] rises in Abydos
and it comes; I cause it to come, the Eye of Horus. It is set in order upon thy
brow, O Osiris Khenti-Amenti; it is set in the shrine and rises on thy brow."
1/4 was represented by sight or the
sensation of light, symbolized by the pupil. The pyramid text says:
"Perfect is the Eye of Horus. I have delivered the Eye of Horus, the shining
one, the ornament of the Eye of Ra, the Father of the Gods."
1/8 was represented by thought, symbolized by the eyebrow. The
pyramid text says: "...the Eye of Horus hath made me holy...I will hide myself
among you, O ye stars which are imperishable. My brow is the brow of Ra."
1/16 was represented by hearing, symbolized by the left side of the
eye in the form of an arrow pointing towards the ear. The pyramid text says:
"That which has been shut fast/dead hath been opened by the command of the Eye
of Horus, which hath delivered me. Established are the beauties on the forehead
of Ra."
1/32 was represented by taste, by
the sprouting of wheat or grain from the plant stalk, symbolized by a curved
tail. The pyramid text says; "Come, the Eye of Horus hath delivered for me my
soul, my ornaments are established on the brow of Ra. Light is on the faces of
those who are in the members of Osiris."
1/64 was represented by touch,
symbolized by a leg toughing the ground, or what also could be thought of as a
strong plant growing into the surface of the earth. The pyramid texts says; I
shall see the Gods and the Eye of Horus burning with fire before my
For an in depth look into the
mathematics of this subject please click on to Terrance G. Nevin
His insight on this is next to

Glitter Background and Title

Pictures from Tour

and Hieroglyphic Background from Wendy's

Animations from
