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Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud
Crystal Cloud

 Yes please go ahead & use the graphics. For now
       just leave the banners. At some point I will make
       new ones. Thank you
       Kimberely Advent
       August 31, 2004                   

Yes you may use any of my sets for your site..
               they are all free to use as linkware
                              Kind regards
                     Gulfmystery Design
                           May 18th, 2004                                

You may use some pictures with credit as you say...      
     Jimmy Dunn
     June 24, 2004                   
     Tour Egypt

 In order for you to use any of these copyrighted images
 you must provide a link from each graphic that you
 use on your site. We thank you for asking...                 
 Best wishes, Angelic Artistry
 February 23, 2004

Yes you certainly have my permission to use my
photo's many taken personal by myself...The first
time I ever been called Sir David...
quite liked it! King regards,
    David Flower
    December 8, 2001
                                                                           is certanly fine with me to showcase some of           
my long as you establish a link to
my site,,,
Jonathon Earl Bowser
September 2, 2004

Sure, use the image as you described. I have not            
examined all of your fascinating site, but I look
forward to it.
Jerome Krauss
 September 25, 2004


Everything on this site can be freely reproduced              
and distributed as long as there is no profit involved
and appropriate source is sited.
Angi Yoga Society,
Nicholas Roerich Museum
January 27, 2007 sure and credit him for his work with his full             
name under the picture linked to his homepage.
January 27, 2007
Howard David Johnson

Cool, please do! I added your site as a                 

a link on my yul page, thanks! 
February 1, 2007

I took a look at the link you provided, and I'm quite happy
to let you use my photo of the mummification tools on
your ... group.
Photo © 1999 - 2007 Peter Brubacher 
October 16, 2007

Yes, please do use the pictures.
And be sure to send me your
site's address!
Thanks, Garth        
November 11, 2007              

I am happy to tell you that we can allow you
to use any of the low resolution  images you
find on our website
©The Trustees of The British Museum
Kathryn Charles-Wilson   February 3, 2009                

 Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 17:15:12 -0500
 Sure. Just be sure to provide
credits with a link (as you already
specified). Thanks! 
Rebecca Kemp


 Date: February 23,2009
"Yes, it is fine for you to use my image...
as long as there is a proper credit and
Sandra Stanton











Egyptian Background from

Crystal Cloud

Dark Green Background from


Glitter from