

Qedesh, Kadesh, Qetesh, Quetesh,
Qedeshet, Qadishtu
According to Budge, and on the Turin and other
stele she was called"mistress of all the gods, the eye of Ra, with a second".
And was worshiped as a moon goddess.
A Semitic deity whose worship was introduced into
the Egyptian pantheon during the New Kingdom era, when the Egyptians came into
closer contact with the peoples of the Levant. It is said; in the Levant the
cult of Qadesh, likethat of Astarte, involved her followers simulating the
ritual "sacredmarriage" of the goddess with Reshep who was of Syrian
origin. From sunset April 29 to sunset May 1st was the Egyptian Feast of the
Sacred Marriage usually dedicated to Isis & Osiris, this was also a holiday
for Kadesh. She may have also had a part in a spring harvest festival dedicated
to Min.
This sexuality
displayed by Qadesh naturally led to an identification between her and
Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of love. She was a goddess of nature,beauty
and sexual pleasure and sacred marriage.
The stele above shows her standing on top of a
lion (in which some believe to be a symbol offemale power) in the buff holding
out symbols of eroticism and fertility to her companions, the god of virility,
Min and Reshep the god of war and pestilence. As such, Resheph was associated
with Montu, Egypt's native god of
Of whom many
believe to be her husband. He is identified with Nergal in
Mesopotamianmythology, who was introduced in the Middle Kingdom. Having been
adopted into Egyptian belief, it was decided that Qetesh, as the goddess of sex,
should be the mother of Min, the god of fertility and thus sexual aptitude.
Others disagree and say that Min was he other half. Then you have those who say
they were both her husbands. Apparently she was a verypopular goddess, she eventually became considered an
aspect of Hathor, who had by that time become a goddess of
Lotuses for Min and
snakes for Resheph.The snakes are thought to represent male genitalia and in
herright hand lotus flowers representing female genitalia. Like Bes and
sheis always pictured facing forward rather
than in profile.
After her adoption into the Egyptian pantheon,
she was more commonly depicted wearing the headdress of Hathor or a pair of cows
horns and a sun disc (also linked with Hathor and the "Eye or Ra") in other
depictions she wears a tight-fitting red sheath dress down to her
Her name, some believe has the meaning of "holy",
it is not clear what her origins are but she seems to be a manifestation of the
sensuousness inherent in the goddesses Astarte and Anat. On some versions of the
Qetesh stele with Min and Resheph, it is placed over another register showing
gifts being presented to Anat the goddess of War and below a register listing
the lands belonging to Min (Egypt) and (Reseph) Syria.

According to
Steve Whittet Independent
"I have been
looking at an Egyptian stele, where Egypt and Syria are shown brought together
by Quetesh (goddess of the high waters) to share a border at Kadesh in the
mountains above the lands of El under the auspices of the Goddess
Above her head is the
[k:t:nu i(rt t
:k33 kn]
(ktnu uraeus tkaakn) (High goddess of the high
On Respu's
[anpu det god
det the thing itself] (Anpu the god himself)
[a:hotep:h ptnu
hk3k:pdt] (thanks the skys rule(goddesses)
[netru det
goddess det plural]
On Mins side
[min det god wr ak k3 swt ty f
at hotep pt hr
det the thing itself]
(min the great
god rejoices,
from his double
the heavens
reward my face)
Above the serving girls bringing provisions
to Anat
[rdi det give ]
[ti:ta det
goddess] the land of the goddess
[snk knskadet
the thing itself] sustenence (suckel)
[tApt Anat]
(this heavenly Anat)
[N:t det plural
] (rain down from on high)
[sw det people]
the peoples
[w3d f] (make
[nbt tprdet the
thing itself
tuy det people]
(every house of this people)
[sa fn] (every
son of Syria's)
[ay det peoples
lands] (peoples lands)
[Uraus nbt]
every goddess
in heaven


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