For millenniums, woman have been
eclipsed by men in all walks of life.
Even in todays society we
struggle everday for recognition in all that we do
and what we provide to the world.
Ancient Egypt was the acception.
Women were of equal standing to
men. Even in the gods they worshipped,
the female counterparts were on
equal standing. Ancient history confirms
woman had the right to chose their
destiny in life, right up to the ever
coveted throne of Egypt and they
ruled with absolute power. Women were
educated, they held many high
ranking positions such as visiers, judges,
physicians, controller of royal
warehouses and of course high priestess.
Women held land titles, had their
own possessions, they could even seek
out a divorce. Women of other
countries, such as Rome must have been
quite envious at the power
these Egyptian women held.
