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She became mother and protector of all the deceased.Closely becoming associated with Bastet, Wadjet, and Sekhmet with whom she guarded the body of Osiris and merged with them during the Old Kingdom. In some magical texts she was called Mistress of Punt, which may point to her origin.

As a maternal deity, Shesmetet was the mother of the king in the Pyramid Texts, where the king appears as a star between the thighs of the Ennead. As second mother Sekhmet is mentioned. To say the words : ''Unas is a great one. Unas came out between the thighs of the Divine Ennead.

Unas was conceived by Sekhmet. It is Shesemtet who gave birth to Unas (as) to a star with sharp front, with wide stride, which brings provender for the road of Ra everyday. Unas has come to his throne which is over the Nebti-goddesses, and Unas appears as a star."


Shesemtet was an ancient lion-headed sky-goddess and Eye of Ra and as such a protective deity at times called upon to perform magic in order to combat death causing demons. She was associated with the shesmet-girdle, a belt symbolizing divine power and worn by Sopdu, who was a god of war associated with the eastern borders and the eastern Desert, known as the "lord of the east", and by kings of the Early Dynastic Period and the Old Kingdom, and her name may have derived from it.



Some say that the goddess and was a manifestation of Sekhemet. Originally she seems to have had the shape of a woman, since the 5th dynasty, under the influence of her association with Bastet she became a lion-headed deity. At times she was shown sporting four heads, apart from her own those of Wadjet, Bastet and Sekhmet.

There are several small tmples that exist at the mouth of the Wadi Hellal on the road to the gold mines od the Eastern Dessert. Standing on the desert edge is a terraced temple dedicated to the goddess Shesmetet Greek name Smithis, which has a wide set of stairs leading to a pillared forecourt and a sanctuary carved out of rock. The complex was built by PtolemyVIII, EuergetesII and SoterII. By Dieter Arnold, Ancient Egyptian Architecture





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