Very little information on this particulardeity.
It is said that she is an ancient goddess of Egyptian mythology often referred to as the wife of Horus. Ta-Bitjet is a scorpion goddess. The scorpion was
sacred to Isis, who was thought to have
been protected by scorpions.(story of the
seven scorpions) "And with me came the seven scorpions, and their names were;
Tefen and Befen, Mestet and Mestetef,
Petet, Thetet, and Matet. Behind me were Tefen and Befen..." She uses a number
of magical medicinal spells against
poisonous bites. The power of the spell relates to the bleeding caused by the loss of
her virginity when Horus took hold of her upon an Ebony bed.
She too is quite an anciet deity.Her name means the
"good or beautiful sister".
She was the consort
of Haroeris/Har-wer who is Horus the Elder after the battle with his uncle Set.
As we all know he then became the king of Egypt. In Kom Ombo, which is northern
Egypt, Haroeris/Har-wer was thought of as the son of the god Re, and therefore
was identical with the sky god, Shu. His image is that of a falcon.

They are the parents of Panebtawy in the western
sanctuary of Kom Ombo temple. She is only a colorless manifestation of Hathor in
the role of divine wife.

Tayet, Tait
Tayet holding jars of
linen wrappings
A highly
significant goddess that seems to be overlooked by history. Andagain, not a
whole lot of information on these goddesses. It could be that her identity was
so easily consumed by those of Neith, Isis, Nephthys and
It seems that her
name originates from the word "shroud".
One of the most
pivital of her roles was providing woven linen clothfor embalming the dead.
Tayet was the patroness of weavers,clothing-makers, and those who wrapped
mummies. As a goddess ofweaving, Tayet’s role was to protect the woven cloth
used for embalming, assuring its purity and perfection. It is said that she also
weaved the valance which hung in the tent of purification where the ritual of
embalmment was carried out. The "Land of Tayet" was a term for the mummy
wrappings. In daily life, linen gauze was used sparingly for medical

It seems that she was originally viewed as the
spiritual mother of the pharaoh and the protector of his physical body. During
the Old Kingdom she was referenced in
spells and prayers in the Pyramid Texts which were intended to protect the
corpse of the king.
However, as time progressed she was increasingly associated with linen bandages
and with the "Wab" priests (sometimes known as the purification priests) who
wore fine linen when discharging their duties.

Old Kingdom a
prayer was addressed to the goddess to clothe the king and lift him up to the
sky, "guarding his head and gathering his bones."
In the story of
Sinuhe* the pharaoh Senusret invites the elderly Sinuhe to return to Egypt and
promises him that he will be buried at home with all of the usual personal
clothing and accessories, including "the wrappings from the hand of Tayet".
Linen dressings
were also used to dress wounds. It was thought that Tayet could protect the
injured person from a blood hemorrhage and ensure the cleanliness of the wound.
Hence she represented purity and perfection.

Egyptians have always taken great pride in their
excellent linens, after all. Tayet possessed an important cult alongside the god
Min at Akhmim--an ancient center of linen production. As a goddess associated
with weaving the bandages used in mummification.
Some say that Tayet
was honored at Busiris and Abydos, where she was closely identified with
Nephthys and Isis, in their forms as "Chentayet goddesses."

The tale opens as
Sinuhe speaks from his own tomb. Thus the end of the story is already known.
Sinuhe dies and is properly buried in Egypt. The tale begins with the death of
the king Amenemhat (whowe know from the 'Teaching of Amenemhat' was
assassinated).Sinuhe at this point is returning from a campaign in Libya with
theeldest son of the king (most notably the future king Senusret I). Heover
hears a messenger speaking of another brother who also heard of the news and is
returning and in a blind panic flees the country.Scholars have attempted to give
a reason for this flight but it is impossible to do so. Possibly, the fact that
this person was serving inthe royal harem and thus might have been liable to
have known about any rumour there of plotting against the king may be
ofimportance. Sinuhe was momentarily taken over by the forces of' chaos,' there
was no logic behind his actions. Upon entering Syria,he marries
the daughter of an Asiatic chieftain, who adopts him. Helater rises to power
within his adopted tribe and returns to Egypt at the invitation of Senusret. The
king accepts that Sinuhe had not control over his actions and blames the
fallibility of the human heart.He himself fears nothing, is like a god incarnate
on earth and maintains the order (Ma'at) in Egypt outside of which all life is

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