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Wadjet, Wadjyt, Wadjit, Uto, Uatchet, Edjo, Bouto





In ancient Egypt her many titles were "She who is Green","Eye of Ra", "The green One/the Papyrus coloured One", "Godess of Lower Egypt", "She Of The Fiery Eye", "Protector Of Horus"and "Orderer Of Flame".







 Buto as lioness

Excerpted from Hearst the Collector. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; New York: Abrams, 2008 This elegant striding bronze figure represents the goddess Wadjet, protector of the king and tutelary deity of Lower Egypt. One of several ancient Egyptian goddesses depicted with the head of a lioness, Wadjet is identified in this example by the dedicatory inscription on the rectangular base. While numerous Late Period Egyptian bronzes are preserved in Egypt and in collections worldwide, this example is particularly fine. The narrow-waisted human figure is treated in an exceptionally refined and supple manner, with the contours of the breasts, abdomen, and thighs visible beneath the thin garment. Incised details such as the patterning of the lion’s mane, broad collar, armbands, and bracelets are carefully rendered. The sun disk and uraeus headdress are intact, while the handheld attributes, probably an ankh and papyrus scepter, are now lost. It is possible that Hearst was attracted to this lioness image, as a full statue and three fragments of a similar deity are incorporated into an outdoor fountain that remains in situ at San Simeon. Nancy Thomas, (2008)








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Buto,Thoth, Isis, Horus,Amun and Nekhebet Buto and Nekhemet Wadjet and Nekhebet-nebty Wadjet with wings Photobucket