Welcome to my information centre!
As you are well aware by now, Egypt is my passion,
my love, and my obsession! This page is provided for those of you seeking more information on where I get my thoughts and opinions.
The first thing that got me hooked on Ancient History was
the Bible, then the movies, Cleopatra, & the
Ten Commandements.
I have seen these movies at least a dozen times each, and as for the Bible I have read it through twice and still to this day refer to it. Although I am not a "religious" person, I feel that I am a spiritual one. I was also interested at a very young age in other people's view on ancient history. One person who caught my attention was Eric Van Daniken and his movie; Chariot of the Gods. Although his theory was off the mark, I quite enjoyed it.
As an adult, I attend Middle Eastern dance classes as a
way of letting my spirit reach out to the ancients, getting in
touch with the past, as we are taught, we are in unison
with Mother Earth. And I know dancing played a huge part of Ancient history!
So a big thank you goes out to my best friend Moriah, for letting me know these classes were being taught in my own back yard! And a big thank you goes out to my dance teachers, Cathy and Jeanine.
I would like to give thanks to a very special lady, Juanita Kenny. When my family moved into a remote part of the Maritimes, she kept me sane during some of my teenage years lol. She taught me several things among her endless knowledge. She at times was my best friend and
even though she had 6 children of her own she always made me feel at home. Her love for knowlege and animals had a huge impact on my life. It has been a great honor to have had her in my life. The association with this lady
will be memorable for many years to come.
With much love!
My Library

"Wonders from the Past"
Copyright 1923 & 1937
WM. H. Wise & CO
Two volumes to this.
This was my first purchase at 7 years old from "Goodwill's"
way back in the 1960's. It cost me .50 cents and is one of my
favorites. With history from all over the world.
My second purchase was in a yard sale,
an old French Bible,
De Christophe Schmid Par J. Derome
PARIS 1836
The pictures are hauntingly beautiful. Since chilhood,
I have added extensively to my collection.
Unfortunately we moved to a remote part of Canada and there
was little to no information available, and we didn't have
the internet in the old days! lol
In my teens,
I purchased from Time Life Books,
"Time Frame" series
Volumes 1 to 6
Being a teen I did not have the money to purchase the rest of
these wonderful books lol.
The information and pictures herein inspired me even more!
The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
© T.G.H. James
Egyptain Mythology
By Richard Patrick
© Octopus Books Limited
Valley of the Kings
Kent R. Weeks
T.G.H. James
The Pharaohs
By Lionel Casson
© 1981 Stonehenge Press Inc.
By James Putnam
Copyright© 1990 Quintet Publishing
Atlas of the Ancient World
By Christopher Fagg & Frances Halton
Copyright© MCMLXXIX By
Grisewood & Dempsey ltd.
The Art Of Egypt
The Ancient Egyptain Oracle
The Cards of Ra-Maat
© Norman PLaskett
The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need
Joanna Martine Woolfolk
Copyright© 1982
Decoding Egyptain Hieroglyphs
Bridget McDermott
Kevin Fleury
Alexander the Great
Kevin McCarty
Land and Lives of the Pharaohs revealed
Mummies and Pyramids
The Secret World of Tutankhamun and the Pharaohs
Joyce Tydesley
Treasures of Ancient Greece
John S Bauman
Wonders of the World
Lionel Grigson
Mysteries of the Unexplained
Readers Digest
The Archaeology of the Afterlife
Tony Allan
The Great Pharaoh Rameses and his Time
Montreal Exhibition
Le Pharaon Toutankhamon
G R Tabouis
Egyptian Magick
Gerald and Betty Schueler
Classical Greece
Time Life Books
The Middle East
The Cradle of Civilization Revealed
Eye Witness Expert
Ancient Egypt
Cat Lovers Companion
Joan Moore
The Mysterious Maya
George E. Stuart and Gene S. Stuart
Art and Architecture
Aatthias Seidel and Regine Schulz
Wilbur Smith Novels
The River God
The Seventh Scroll
The Quest
These books are awesome!!!
They let your imagination run wild,
as he takes you to Ancient Egypt.
Pauline Gedge
The Hippotpotamus Marsh
Belly Dancer from
Glitter Background
Hieroglyphic Background from
Gold Background from
All other graphics are freely available on photobucket |