For those of you who know me, you know how much I love cats. So this site is very close to my heart. Click on photo above.
Information about EMRO
"Unless they become protected, we believe these ancient cats may soon become extinct"
In December 2003, Ms. Gloria Lauris, a Canadian, was visiting Egypt with her husband, Dr. Ismail Elkholy and son Ali, and seeing relatives there. Having recently acquired a silver Mau, Tazo, from the only Canadian breeder of Maus, she hoped to bring back a Mau from the homeland as a pet companion for Tazo.
She soon discovered that there were no breeders of Egyptian Maus in Egypt, but also that the locals didn't understand that the Mau was famous and popular (and rare) outside of Egypt. There were a few pet stores, but they only kept "Shirazi" cats, or imported long-haired type cats like Persians. The Maus were running feral on the streets in deplorable conditions and were considered unclean and undesirable. Ms. Lauris decided at that time to do what she could to help the Maus' current situation, and to make them more accessible to those who wished to get an original, native Mau from the homeland. Thus, EMRO was born in concept.
EMRO's website started in the fall of 2004 with voluntary support from some forward-thinking and helpful Mau breeders in the US, Canada and NZ. Emotional and practical support and advice also came from other groups in the UK as well as newly created animal shelters in Cairo who welcomed EMRO as another group wanting to help the welfare of animals in Egypt.
After almost a year of administration, EMRO was able to obtain non-profit status as a charity, with a registered number (Aug 2005). Also, a sanctuary space was purchased with Ms. Lauris' and Dr. Elkholy's retirement savings, and clean-up was started in the Fall of 2005. Also, an office space was set up in a suburb of Cairo (Al Mokattam) where Ms. Lauris ihas set up the adoption center for tame Maus, and the sponsorship of tame and feral Maus.
The sanctuary for feral Maus, depending upon contributions and support, will expand accordingly, but is currently on hold due to lack of financial aid. All monies received go back into the system to help more Maus to a better life either locally or abroad.
EMRO is now officially registered as a non-profit charity in Egypt, an NGO (non-governmental organization) with charitable number is #6196, effective August 23, 2005.
As a fledgling organization, EMRO has a small staff and volunteers, and we depend solely upon the support of the public and private investors, and grants. The governing Board of Directors steer EMRO's direction.

"The wonders of Ancient Egypt are there for everyone to see along with their ancient gods, many taking the form of animals.
The Egyptian people have always had a close relationship with their animals and even today the importance of the working animal in Egypt cannot be underestimated. They are as important in Egypt as the car, van and tractor in the UK. Without these working animals many families would not be able to survive so why is there such a desperate need for Animal Care in Egypt"
To find out more about these caring people click above below.

My favorite Egyptologist Kent Weeks!
Click on his photo to his site.
"Since its inception in 1978, the Theban Mapping Project (TMP, now based at the American University in Cairo) has been working to prepare a comprehensive archaeological database of Thebes. With its thousands of tombs and temples, Thebes is one of the world's most important archaeological zones. Sadly, however, it has not fared well over the years. Treasure-hunters and curio-seekers plundered it in the past; pollution, rising ground water, and mass-tourism threaten it in the present. Even early archaeologists destroyed valuable information in their search for museum-quality pieces.
Today, however, we realize that the monuments of Thebes are a finite resource. If we fail to protect and monitor them, they will vanish, and we and our descendants will all be the poorer. The TMP believes that the first and most essential step in preserving this heritage is a detailed map and database of every archaeological, geological, and ethnographic feature in Thebes. Only when these are available can sensible plans be made for tourism, conservation, and further study."

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